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Pipe Insulation EPS

We manufacture insulation laggings and fittings for all kinds of pipes and installations.They are indispensable if the pipe is buried in the ground frost layer (approx. 0.8 to 1.4m).

EPS insulation lagging to size

As you can see from the examples below, polystyrene pipe lagging can be cut in a variety of ways. We are able to make polystyrene lagging for any straight section of pipe, regardless of its cross-section.

We adapt the hardness of the polystyrene and the length of the sections to the individual needs of our customers, which translates into the final price.

We also recommend checking out the free-standing decorative columns.

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Our product range includes insulation lagging and polystyrene fittings, which we produce according to the individual needs of our customers.

The proposed solution is ideal for protecting pipes and installations located in the so-called ground frost layer, i.e. at a depth of approx. 0.8 to 1.4m. Properly fitted, they protect the installation, but also further increase its durability.

What is worth knowing about lagging?

he insulation lagging in our range can be manufactured on different densities of polystyrene, namely:

  • hardened polystyrene EPS 100 - a raw material which is ideal for insulating floors
  • EPS 70, a medium-hard polystyrene which is used, for example, for facade insulation

Both types of material are distinguished by their high durability, but also their extremely effective insulation. This is due to the fact that polystyrene consists of 98% air enclosed in the polystyrene structure. This makes polystyrene foam not only one of the best insulation materials, but also, and above all, an ecological material. What is important - the use of insulation lagging allows not only to protect the medium transmitted in installations from low temperatures, but also from high temperatures.

Properties of the insulation lagging

The material used to manufacture the lagging means that it retains its properties at temperatures as low as -100°C to +70°C. In addition, an important feature of the laggings on offer is that the material does not dissolve in water or soil and is highly resistant to the harmful effects of bacteria, fungi and mould.

An important advantage of the insulation laggings is also their easy installation. They are made with the right technology, with tongue-and-groove joints, which makes securing the installation itself effortless.

We encourage you to take a look at our full range of insulation laggings. We can make lagging of any diameter, wall thickness as well as length.

If you are planning to add columns to your home, you will need to purchase a suitable column base. A column head will then also be required to maintain consistency.

+48 606 228 167

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